If you are wondering what treatment you should be getting done this Fall/Winter at Wing Wellness, then we have the perfect suggestions for you
Chemical peels are great for Fall and Winter since there are less harmful UV rays to damage your skin. They can also reverse any sun damage that occurred to the skin over the summer.
Microneedling is well known for improving scarring on the skin, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles and much more. Post treatment skin can be sensitive to sun exposure, so it is great to get it done in our less sunny seasons.
V-IPL Skin Rejuvenation, Pigment Treatment, and Hair Removal
Fall and Winter are great times to do V-IPL treatments, so that you can be hair free and carefree by the time summer comes. It’s the perfect time to rejuvenate your skin and correct any pigment issues. Also, less exposure to sunlight will allow for better results of V-IPL treatments.
Make sure to book one of our favorite Fall/Winter treatments!